Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Soup from a Stone

As the blessed March Break nears, I find that I have little time or motivation to grocery shop- I'm going home in 2 days, so whats the point, right?!
I looked in the fridge this morning and found that the closest thing that I had to orange juice was a tropical orange breezer left behind from a girls night a couple of weeks ago, that there was only one egg left in the egg crate, and that generally the poor thing is looking pretty empty.

Theres not a whole lot that I dont like about living on my own, but one of the things I can say definitely that I miss is having someone to share my meal time with- be it my family or a good friend, it doesnt much matter. Its so nice to have company. Especially for the whole food prep time.
My dinner time keeps creeping later and later as I put off the eating alone part, and sometimes I just have a snack or something instead of a full out meal (which if you know me is a big deal because I hate snacky meals).
Tonight I couldnt do the snack though. I wanted the real deal, but didnt have a whole lot to work with!! After snooping in my freezer and cupboards I found that I had frozen ground beef (gag me), lentils, soup stock, rice and onions! PERFECT FOR SOUP!
so I made it! And here I am sitting here eating my delish soup, having a skype convo with my Person <3. It turned out ok after all!

The week was crazy so far. So busy. Good though. I found $20 walking home from clinical. I got to do cool dressings. I got an 82% on a test that I thought I failed for sure. I managed to silence the whole class in an embarrassing tell-off moment. And after having a momentary internal freak-out and near tears today, I found out that I DO get to go home friday (not monday) afterall!
The Ecuador team left today. Its weird not going. I'm a bit sad about it. But I'll get back eventually.

Man, my soup is so so good. I wish I could share it.


Jo said...

I want to hear about the embarrasing tell-off moment that silenced the class!!!!!

julia said...

I'll skype tell you. its too hard to explain with letters :)